
BVA Presents: DoctorVox Voice Therapy Technique (DVT) Training Program – a DoctorVox Workshop

  • Date: February 27, 2025
  • Venue: Friends House 173-177 Euston Road London NW1 2BJ United Kingdom Show map

The BVA is delighted to host the first one-day DVT Training Program in the UK as part of Voice Clinic Forum 2025.

Date: Thursday 27th February 2025


This Event is a pre-conference DoctorVox Workshop ahead of this year’s Voice Clinic’s Forum on Friday 28th February 2025.

Workshop Leader: Dr Ilter Denizhoglu

Registration fee: £135

Limited to 35 participants

Each participant will receive a Doctor Vox Aio-Voice Mask Set (worth £115) as part of the workshop.

Secure your spot today and enhance your expertise in voice therapy with DoctorVox Voice Therapy Technique!

Please note this event is in-person only.

Recording is not permitted.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlter Denizoglu, MD1, PhD2, MSc3

1Otorhinolaryngology, 2 Biophysics, 3 Audiology & Speech Pathology


  • Vocology Centre (Founder & Director)
  • Tinaztepe University Faculty of Health Sciences, Speech Language Therapy Division (University Lecturer of Clinical Vocology)
  • Dokuz Eylül University State Conservatory Vocal Arts Department, Main Art Division of Opera (University Lecturer of Pedagogical Vocology)

His medical work is exclusively on phonosurgery, voice therapy, and singing voice therapy. His research and development process focuses on the medical, biophysical and musical aspects of the human voice. He has been devising new devices for voice therapy and vocal training, and tools and surgical techniques for phonosurgery as well. Based on Sihvo’s LaxVox Tube Exercise; he has structured the DoctorVox Voice Therapy and Vocal Training Program with its devices. He is an amateur singer and interested in vocal music in various approaches (Singing pedagogy, musical acoustics). He prepared the curriculum of the pedagogical vocology course and has been teaching since 2008 in conservatories. Likewise, he also prepared the clinical vocology course curriculum and teaches in the language and speech therapy department. His book ‘Textbook of Clinical Vocology’ has been published in January 2020.



DoctorVox Voice Therapy Technique (DVT)

Training Program

09.00-10.30: Philosophy of DVT: A muscle-specific multidimensional approach

Voice therapy is the main treatment modality of voice disorders. The black box of voice therapy is full of questions about which exercise to do in which situation, how it will affect glottic closure, and the reasons. Clinicians can find answers to these questions in applied physioanatomy, physical therapy, sports medicine and motor learning principles. The DVT technique provides these answers to clinicians from a multifaceted perspective that includes the principles and practices of music, physics, and medicine.

10.30-10.45: Coffee break

10.45-12.30: DVT action plan, exercises and patient monitorization

DVT exercises are muscle-specific and designed for certain clinical purposes. The clinician is supposed to know the background of a given exercise and consecutively have conscious intentions for the treatment survey. DVT works by increasing vocal tract inertance, enlarging resonance capacity, management of glottal geometry, providing optimum tonus of laryngeal intrinsic and extrinsic muscles, providing the optimal tension of vocal fold mucosa for the most efficient mucosal wave pattern and giving a better opportunity for formant tuning.

12.30-13.30: Lunch Break (please note lunch is not provided)

13.30-15.00: DVT Exercises: Hands-on training

DVT is composed of three levels: clinician’s action plan, patient monitorization, and the exercises. Each exercise is defined in detail (the real-life procedure is explained) with its muscle-specific application. DVT devices are used in the interactive hands-on group study explaining various tricks and troubleshooting.

15.00-15.30: Coffee break

15.30-17.30: Clinical indications and scenarios of DVT

DVT has a dynamic algorithm; there are no exercise templates which fits all. The clinician has an action plan and uses various predefined exercises in order to formulate the treatment program of an individual patient. DVT provides action plan and tools to be used; the clinician decides for each step according to the patient’s clinical condition (pathology, clinical survey, motor learning state, state of change, motivation, personal capabilities, etc.) throughout the treatment process. In this part, participants will be informed about different cases with before-after videos and voice samples and match the clinical case with treatment strategy using different DVT algorithms.

17.30-18.00: Q&A, Certificates