Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the BVA able to refer me to a voice professional?

A: We cannot refer you directly but can signpost you towards specialist multidisciplinary Voice Clinics (mostly within the NHS) in your locale. You will find this information in the BVA Voice Clinics Directory.


Q: Is the BVA able to refer me to a singing or speech/drama teacher?

A: We are not able to refer you to individual teachers. However, it may be worth asking prospective teachers if they are BVA members as they are likely (though not guaranteed) to have an evidence-based approach to their pedagogy and methods.


Q: If I have missed the deadline to view a recording of a BVA event that I have paid for, can I have an extension?

A: A decision is at the discretion of the Education Working Party. Email your request to: administrator@britishvoiceassociation.org.uk.