
Talk Voice 5: Mary Irwin on Linklater

  • Date: November 19, 2024
  • Venue: Online

Mary Irwin

A Conversation and Application of Kristin Linklater’s Work: The Genesis and “imagery and art in the practice of voice and language.”

Join us for an engaging and immersive exploration of the profound impact of Kristin Linklaters work on voice and language. This event delves into the genesis of Linklater’s groundbreaking methodology, tracing its roots and examining its lasting influence in the UK and beyond. Through discussion as well as an experiential approach, we will explore how embodiment and imagery form key components of her methodology. Participants will have the opportunity to experience some of these tools firsthand, deepening their understanding of how voice can be liberated through the integration of mind, body, and emotion. Ideal for performers, voice practitioners, and anyone interested in the transformative power of the human voice. Kristin Linklater’s seminal text “Freeing the Natural Voice: imagery and art in the practice of voice and language” is published by Nick Hern Books.

Mary Irwin is an American teacher and coach of voice, speech and text, now based in London.  She is presently serving as Programme Leader on Rose Bruford College’s MFA in Linklater Teaching Practice (Voice & Theatre Arts).