Teacher! Your Voice Matters

Teacher! Your voice matters

Vocal self-help and advice for teachers and lecturers Are you a teacher or lecturer struggling with your voice in the classroom? Are you worried about your clarity, loudness, projection, and stamina? Do you experience hoarseness, tightness or pain when speaking? Advice is offered on how to take care of your voice, make adjustments in your…

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The Truth About Vocal Nodules

The truth about vocal nodules ...the end of your career or just a hiccup? White text on a green background

A diagnosis of vocal nodules often drives fear into the heart of a singer or actor, but is their fearsome reputation justified? Our leaflet summarises some of the issues associated with Vocal Nodules and provides help, guidance and the reassurance that a diagnosis is not likely to end your career!

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Dealing With Dysphonia

Dealing with dysphonia, a luxury or a necessity? White text on a black background

A luxury or a necessity? Losing your voice is no joke! Did you know that approximately a third of people working in the UK today depend on their voices to do their work? People like teachers, doctors, lawyers, call centre workers, sales staff, singers and actors.

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Reflux And Your Voice

Reflux and your voice what is acid reflux white on a red and grey background

Stomach juices are made up of strong digestive acids and enzymes. These acids can travel from the stomach and up the gullet (oesophagus) causing the symptoms of indigestion (heartburn). This process is referred to as gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR).

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Muscle Tension Dysphonia

Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD) is a term used to describe vocal symptoms such as hoarseness or discomfort. These symptoms develop from the way in which the voice is habitually used in speech or singing. This leaflet tells you more about how and why this voice problem can develop and outlines the most common treatments to…

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The Virtual Voice

How to maintain a heathy voice online Since the pandemic video meetings have become an integral part of life. But they can be vocally challenging due to inadequate visual and auditory reception, issues caused by latency, and the increased effort required to process elements of non-verbal communication. This can have a significant impact not only…

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Lift Your Voice Without Hurting It

This leaflet offers advice to broadcasters, voice actors, voice-over artists, and communicators of all kinds, on how to take care of their voice, build stamina, deliver optimum performance, and find suitable professional advice and support if needed.

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